Roman Coins Project

Research Computing staff John Wallace and Douglas Hill have been working with Classics professor Roberta Stewart to develop a tool at the nexus of scholarship, teaching, and curation. Building on the excellent work by Diana Salsbury ’15 in association with the DALI lab, the tool allows users to store images and information about Roman coins, organize them into collections based on a scholarly theme, annotate the coins with respect to that theme, and lay out the data both spatially on a map of ancient Rome, and temporally on a collection-based timeline. Professor Stewart is working with the Hood Museum to use images and curatorial data from a portion of Dartmouth’s collection of coins in this work.

Currently in development this tool already allows the user to compare coins based on location, time of origin, and other criteria.
The Roman Coins Tool, currently in development, already allows users to compare coins based on location, time of origin, and other criteria.