High Performance Computing Resources

With a total of 6000+ CPU cores, 120,000 GPU cores, 12+TB of memory, and 1 PB of storage across all systems, our High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources allow researchers to run compute-intensive, large memory programs quickly and efficiently; and store data securely and accessibly.

Our systems are available for use at no cost to members of the Dartmouth community.

Request an Account to access Discovery and other HPC resources. All you need is a valid Dartmouth NetID.


Discovery is a Linux RedHat 7.7 cluster comprised of 160 compute nodes (6000+ cores), 12.5TB of memory, and is available to the entire Dartmouth research community. The Discovery support team provides consulting on debugging, optimizing, and parallelizing code and will install additional application software if requested.  More info at our IT services.dartmouth.edu knowledge base: Discovery Cluster

Overview Status Using Discovery BLAST

Andes & Polaris

Andes and Polaris are shared memory computers that run large memory, computationally intensive, programs and applications. For more info, see  Andes and Polaris at our ITC services.dartmouth.edu web portal.