Accessing the Cluster

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Creating a Login and connecting to the cluster

  • All you need to do is request an account via Discovery’s account request form here: Discovery Account Request
  • Most users interactively login to and submit jobs to be run on the compute nodes by writing a script file that describes their job.
    See the Scheduling Jobs page for more information.

Grant Request

  • The grant provides access to the cluster for a 3 month period.
  • The purpose of the 3-month Grant is to give you the opportunity to determine how significant this resource will be to your work for potential investment in the future.
  • You will have access to the main pool of 2400+ cores.
  • Collaborators on your project may have accounts sharing your defined resources.
  • You can renew this grant one time, if needed.
  • The request form is available here: Grant Request Form. (PDF)

Member: This gives you an opportunity of being part owner of the cluster by purchasing some amount of cpus for your use.

  • This will give you four years of access to the cluster.
  • You will have access to the main pool of 2400+ cores.
  • Collaborators on your project may have accounts sharing your defined resources.
  • Purchases are made in blocks of 16 cores and the current minimum purchase is 16 cores (1 node).
  • See the Investing in Discovery page for more information.