RTL Seminars

To sign up for presentation please email to siva@dartmouth.edu

Zoom session: We are meeting at https://here.dartmouth.edu. Click on the ‘table’ to join the zoom session.


Future Presentations:


We are working on our next season plans.


Past Presentations:


February 25 

Oleg Timoshenko:  “Smart Studio” – an online teaching setup!  

The Smart Studio was designed to streamline the high-quality video recording process. Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use environment necessary to produce innovative teaching and learning resources.


March 11

George Morris:  “All you ever wanted to know about the ITC budget… and more.


March 25 

Adam Nemeroff: “Bringing Panopto Video to Dartmouth”


April 8 

Kala Goyal: “VR tours of St Paul’s Basilica”

The DEV Studio has been working on creating a VR reconstruction of St Paul’s Basilica, a historic cathedral that burned down in the 1800s. Users can move through time to see how the building changed, can interact with different parts of the building, take (and eventually create) virtual tours, and can explore the complex. I have worked on a variety of things for this project, from some modeling to UI/UX to Immersivity considerations to code architecture, and will give a brief overview of how all those facets of an experience change in the context of an XR app.


April 22

Dan Maxell Crosby & Jay Beaudoin: “Community Conversation: Behind the scenes


May 6 

Mars Yuvarajan: “Reading the Tea Leaves: Using Learning Analytics to Better Student Outcomes

The presentation is here:  [gview preview=”no” file=”https://rc-new.dartmouth.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Reading-the-Tea-Leaves-Mars-Yuvarajan.pdf”]


May 20 

Elijah Gagne:  “Building websites with JAMstack”  

JAM = JavaScript, API, and Markdown. This stack lets you build high-performance and secure websites quickly.


June 3

Scott Shumway & Zoe Xiaozhou Zhou:  “Octopus Project


June 17 

John Bell:  “Building the DEV Studio”  

An overview of the projects, programs, and equipment that are going into building the Data Experiences and Visualizations Studio, our new space focusing on XR.


July 1 

Town Hall meeting: “General body meeting”  

Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Bf3n2HPyN_1kt-q_ac4UoB0Nd662SjGAGUsmJoCMny0/edit?usp=sharing



July 15 

Amanda Emerson :  “COVID & Qualtrics


July 29

Jing Qi & Siva Kandasamy:  “Social Network Analysis Project


August 12 – No Seminar. 


August 26 

John Hudson:  “Discovery Cluster: An Overview

The presentation is here: [gview file=”https://rc-new.dartmouth.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/What_is_HPC_JohnHudson-1.pptx”]   


September 9 

Tammie Patten:  “Canvas: Getting Ready to Teach – a month in the life of a Canvas Administrator



September 23 

Richard Brittain:  “AFS: Drawing pictures of clouds long before it was trendy”.


October 7 

Jonathan Crossett:  “Path of onboarding new technology: Way to build the future!

Zoom recording [Available until Dec 28th]


October 21 

Town Hall meeting: “Remote: Beyond Zoom

The following panelists joined and shared their remote working experience and thoughts. 
1. Matt Bradford – Staff Technical Marketing Architect at VMware. LinkedIn
        Matt is located in Canaan, NH, and started his career with VMware remotely 5 years back and successfully built his personal brand in the company and VMware world. Here are the articles authored by Matt: https://blogs.vmware.com/management/author/mbradford

2. Paul Benedict, Head of Information Systems at Alloy Therapeutics. LinkedIn
    Paul is building a team for the startup company Alloy Therapeutics (Boston based) remotely from Colorado. He will share his eureka moments of building teams in the pandemic times.

3. Deanna Ebeling – Security Engineer in our Security team LinkedIn
   Deanna joined us last winter without experiencing New England winter weather. Deanna has special remote work experience by doing full-time school and being a mom. She will share her way of balancing life and work.

4. Julie Irene Havemann – Instructional Designer in our RTL team. LinkedIn
    Julie brings her 10+ years of remote working experience along with her teaching career. Julie joined us this summer and going to testify how welcoming we are REMOTELY. :smiley:


November 4 

Stephen Gaughan: “GeoData: Maps and More


November 18 

Jing Qi & John Bell: “Web-based Platform for Chinese Language and Culture Multimedia Materials



December 2 

Elijah Gagne: “CyberInfrastructure Updates


December 16 

Scott Pauls: “Tech in Teaching


January 13 

Ty Peavey: “Hyper-Converged Infrastructure HCI: Next generation virtualization environment

January 27 

No Seminar     


February 10 

Oleg Timoshenko: “High-Quality Video on the Budget


February 24, Thursday 9 AM

Jonathan Crossett: “tiCrypt: Secure way to share/compute/analysis data