DartFS Access Guide

This section contains information on requirements to receive DartFS storage, how to access DartFS once an account has been created for you, and how to access DartFS from off-campus. If you are accessing DartFS off-campus, you need to establish a VPN connection prior to connecting to DartFS. See this link for VPN connection information. Not finding what you’re looking for here or still have trouble accessing DartFS? Please email Research.Computing@dartmouth.edu with queries.


DartFS is a network-based storage service for documents and files. Each member of Dartmouth’s research community can request a 50GB DartFS private home directory space (named your Dartmouth NetID). In addition, Dartmouth Faculty members may request a 1TB shared lab space (named using the last name and first initial of the PI, e.g. Prof. Charles Xavier would get a lab share named “XavierC”).


  1. You need a valid Dartmouth NetID and password to access DartFS;
  2. Next, request a private home space using the Request An Account form (green button in the upper right corner of our website);
  3. Faculty can request/upgrade/expand shared lab space Request Storage.

Expect the creation and provisioning of the space(s) within 3 business days after submitting the request.

If you are accessing DartFS off-campus, you need to establish a VPN connection prior to connecting to DartFS. See this link for VPN connection information.

Once you have received confirmation that the space(s) was created, you can access your storage space through Macintosh or Windows computers.


Your DartFS account gives you access to a private home directory and a shared directory lab space.

Accessing your DartFS Private home directory space on Mac computers:

  1. Click Finder to make it an active application. It can be found through the search function (magnifying glass on the top right corner of the desktop) or you can click on the Finder icon in the bottom toolbar.
  2. Click Go from the menu bar in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Click Connect to Server. A form should appear with various fields.
  4. In the Server Address field type:
    where netid is your Dartmouth NetID that you use to access email and other Dartmouth services (all lowercase), and x is the last character of your NetID (also lowercase). For example, if your NetID is “d12345e” the server address will be
  5. You may add DartFS to your Favorite Servers by clicking the + button. You may also choose to remember the password in the Keychain to expedite access in the future.
  6. Click Connect.
  7. Next, you are prompted for your credentials. The username field already has your Dartmouth NetID. In the password field, enter your Dartmouth email account password that is associated with your NetID. Make sure you have selected registered user rather than guest.
  8. Click Connect. You should be brought to your home directory space and dartfs-hpc.dartmouth.edu will appear under Shared in the leftmost panel of the Finder.
  9. If you would like DartFS to be automatically available after you restart your computer:
    1. From the Finder, open the Finder Preferences by hitting Command+.
    2. Click the General tab.
    3. Click the checkbox next to Connected Servers.
    4. Close Finder Preferences.
    5. Open System Preferences then User & Groups.
    6. Click your name in the Current User left panel.
    7. Click the Login Items tab.
    8. Drag and drop the mounted volume icon (blue background, white stick figures holding hands) with your NetID to the Login Items list.
  10. To access your DartFS folder using the Finder:
    1. Click dartfs-hpc.dartmouth.edu under Shared in the right-most panel.
    2. Navigate to the home folder then find the folder named x, the last character of your NetID.
    3. You can drag and drop your DartFS (NetID) folder to leftmost panel to create a shortcut and facilitate access.

Accessing your DartFS lab shared directory space:

  1. Click Finder to make it the active application, then click Go from the menu bar.
  2. Click Connect to Server.
  3. In the Server address field type
    where X (uppercase) is the first letter of your PI’s last name, the LastNameI your PI’s last name and first initial, and netid is your NetID.  For example, Prof. Charles Xavier’s lab share is named “XavierC” so the server address will be
    : the server address may differ (e.g. miss the “-hpc” part) depending on the performance tier your space is provisioned in.
  4. You may add DartFS to your Favorite Servers by clicking the + button. You may also choose to remember the password in the Keychain to expedite access in the future.
  5. Click Connect.
  6. Next, you are prompted for your credentials. The username field has your Dartmouth NetID (not your PI’s). In the password field, enter your Dartmouth email account password that is associated with your NetID (not your PI’s). Make sure you have selected registered user rather than guest.
  7. Click Connect. You should be brought to your lab space and dartfs-hpc.dartmouth.edu will appear under Shared in the leftmost panel of the Finder.
  8. If you would like DartFS to be automatically available after you restart your computer:
    1. From the Finder, open the Finder Preferences by hitting Command+.
    2. Click the General tab.
    3. Click the checkbox next to Connected Servers.
    4. Close Finder Preferences.
    5. Open System Preferences then User & Groups.
    6. Click your name in the Current User left panel.
    7. Click the Login Items tab.
    8. Drag and drop the mounted volume icon (blue background, white stick figures holding hands) with your NetID to the Login Items list.
  9. To access your DartFS folder using the Finder:
    1. Click dartfs-hpc.dartmouth.edu under Shared in the right-most panel.
    2. Navigate to rc then click on the lab folder. Your lab space will be under the folder named X, the first letter of your PI’s last name (X for XavierC).
    3. Drag and drop your DartFS (NetID) folder to leftmost panel to create a shortcut and facilitate access.


Your DartFS account gives you access to a private home directory and a shared directory lab space.

Accessing your DartFS private home directory:

  1. Click the Start or Windows menu icon (bottom left corner of the desktop).
  2. In the search text field, type Run. In Windows 10, just start typing run if the search field is missing.
  3. Select and click the Run application found towards the top of the menu.
  4. In the Open text field, type \\dartfs-hpc\rc\home\x\netid where x (lowercase) is the last character of your NetID (also lowercase). For example: \\dartfs-hpc\rc\home\e\d12345e.
  5. If prompted for your username/password, use your NetID/password as follow. You may have to click on Use another account to edit/add the username.
    1. In the Username field, enter KIEWIT\<<your NetID>>. For example, KIEWIT\D12345E.
    2. In the Password field, enter the password associated with your NetID.
    3. Check the Remember my credentials or Store my password box.
    4. Click OK.

To save a shortcut to DartFS on your desktop:

  1. Open a Windows Explorer window.
  2. In the leftmost panel, click Network.
  3. Navigate to your DartFS home folder (e.g. rc then home then x then your NetID).
  4. Right-click the folder named after your NetId in the address bar at the top of the Explorer Window.
  5. Click Copy address from the menu that appears.
  6. Right-click on your desktop then click Paste shortcut from the menu that appears.
    A new shortcut icon appears on your desktop leading directly to your DartFS home directory.

Accessing your DartFS lab shared directory space:

*The steps are identical as above, except for the Folder \\dartfs-hpc\rc\lab\X\LastNameI where X (uppercase) is the first letter of your PI’s last name, and the LastNameI is your PI’s last name and first initial. For example, Prof. Charles Xavier’s lab share is named “XavierC” and the server address will be \\dartfs-hpc.dartmouth.edu\rc\lab\X\XavierC.*

  1. Click the Start or Windows menu icon (bottom left corner of the desktop).
  2. In the search text field, type Run. In Windows 10, just start typing run if the search field is missing.
  3. Select and click the Run application found towards the top of the menu.
  4. In the Open text field, type\\dartfs-hpc\rc\lab\X\LastNameI where X (uppercase) is the first letter of your PI’s last name, and the LastNameI is your PI’s last name and first initial. For example, Prof. Charles Xavier’s lab share is named “XavierC” and the server address will be \\dartfs-hpc.dartmouth.edu\rc\lab\X\XavierC..
  5. If prompted for your username/password, use your NetID/password as follow. You may have to click on Use another account to edit/add the username.
    1. In the Username field, enter KIEWIT\<<your NetID>>. For example, KIEWIT\D12345E.
    2. In the Password field, enter the password associated with your NetID.
    3. Check the Remember my credentials or Store my password box.
    4. Click OK.

To save a shortcut to DartFS on your desktop:

  1. Open a Windows Explorer window.
  2. In the leftmost panel, click Network.
  3. Navigate to your DartFS home folder (e.g. rc then home then x then your NetID).
  4. Right-click the folder named after your NetId in the address bar at the top of the Explorer Window.
  5. Click Copy address from the menu that appears.
  6. Right-click on your desktop then click Paste shortcut from the menu that appears.
    A new shortcut icon appears on your desktop leading directly to your DartFS home directory.