Call for Proposals – Geospatial Research Support Grants

Call for Proposals – Geospatial Research Support Grants

Research Computing at ITC is pleased to announce the 2023 Geospatial research support grants available to Dartmouth researchers! There will be multiple grants awarded that will include GIS specialist time and Research Computing computational resources needed to complete the work. Faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are welcome to apply.


Deadline for submissions:   December 20, 2022

First awards announced:     January 15, 2023

Potential projects can include:

  • Mapping and Creating maps
  • Historical map scanning, data extraction
  • Geocoding street addresses
  • Web-based mapping
  • Spatial data processing and visualization with R and Python
  • GIS data development and creation of SQL-based relational databases
  • Drone data acquisition and processing

Submission process:

  • Submit a one-paragraph project description by Dec 20, 2022
  • First awards will be announced by Jan 20, 2023
  • Steve Gaughan, the RC GIS specialist will be in contact prior to January 10th, 2023 to request any clarification on submissions 

All projects are limited in time to a maximum 1-year involvement. Research Computing does not provide monetary funding, or equivalent.

To submit a proposal, please fill out the following submission form:

Contact us:  Steve Gaughan, GIS Specialist