Research ITC can provision MySQL relational databases for research purposes. You may request one and more in formation via e-mail:

In order to access the database, you need to have your credentials at hand.

Web Interface

In order to make navigating and administering your database more friendly, we provide you with a web-based interface (phpMyAdmin, on PMA). You may connect to it by following these steps:

  1. navigate to
  2. sign in through DUO using your NetID and associated password
  3. the “Welcome to phpMyAdmin” login page will require your personalized credentials (Username and password)
    • Username: as per personalized e-mail
    • Password: as per personalized e-mail
  4. press “Go”

Only you and your authorized users will see the content and be able to modify your database(s).

Please see phpMyAdmin tutorials to get started

Terminal/SSH Access

You must have a Research ITC account (i.e. DartFS account), with “Andes/Polaris login” privileges activate. You may request it on our account page.

  1. SSH into from a Terminal/MobaXterm application window using your NetID/password
  2. Connect to MySQL:
    • mysql -u username -p

where the username is the one provided to you in a personalized e-mail. The “-p” flag will require you provide the password after hitting “return”.

To get started in the terminal, please see the MySQL Basic Tutorial (skip the install section)

Programmatic Access

Most modern programming languages offer libraries that allow access to MySQL databases. Please note that we highly recommend requesting a limited user account for programmatic access, as most languages will show the username and password in clear within the scriptsPlease contact us if you have any further questions about this matter:

  • Server:
  • Port: 3306
  • Username/password: as per personalized e-mail


  • Python
  • R
  • and many more languages…