Search results for: “linux”
Overview of Linux Compilers
This cluster has 3 different kinds of compilers GNU Portland Group (PGI) Intel Below is a table that shows the different compilers: LANGUAGE GNU COMMAND(S) PGI COMMAND INTEL COMMAND FILE SUFFIX Fortran 77 gfortran pgf77 ifort .f .for .FOR ** .F .fpp .FPP Fortran 90 gfortran pgf90 ifort .f .for ** .F .f90 .F90 .fpp…
Accessing Your DartFS files
Accessing your DartFS files (once your account has been set up). Windows Access DartFS files from Windows Mac Access DartFS files from a Mac Linux Access DartFS files from a Linux machine
LCI 2022 @Dartmouth
USEFUL LINKS– Join the SIGHPC-SYSPROS Slack Workspace– Join the LCI2022 Dartmouth Google Group– LCI SHARED DOC Dear LCI participants, Welcome to Dartmouth College. We hope you’ll have a great time learning about Linux Clusters and getting to know us. • LCI 2022 official schedule (maintained externally) On this page, you will find all the logistics…
Services Pricing
DartFS – network attached data storage Storage with snapshots is the default type of storage we provide. The snapshots will provide self-service protection against unintentional deletion/modification of the files. Snapshots are available immediately to the user for the following durations: Daily for a week Weekly for a month Monthly for 3 months Storage without snapshots…
Research Data Storage on Campus @LSC – DartFS – Coffee and Donuts
in Application areas, Coding/Scripting/Programming, DartFS, Data Storage, Discovery, FaqAFSMigration, FaqDartfs, FaqDataStor, FaqDB, FaqDH, FaqGIS, FaqHPCSys, FaqLifeSci, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Getting Started, GIS, High Performance Computing, HPCSYS, Mac, Outreach, Python, Statistics, Stats, Training, WindowsResearchers at Dartmouth College can receive 50GB of free, reliable, high-speed network file storage to researchers at Dartmouth through DartFS. DartFS is a network-based storage service for documents and files. Your data can be shared among collaborators, accessed anywhere on or off campus, and is available to all Research Computing systems as well as users’…
Data Storage/DartFS
Research Computing provides reliable, high-speed network file storage to researchers at Dartmouth through DartFS. DartFS is a network-based storage service for documents and files. Your data can be shared among collaborators, accessed anywhere on or off campus, and is available to all Research Computing systems as well as users’ desktop Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computers.…
DartFS Lab Permissions
This is more information about DartFS permissions than most people will ever want to learn. We are happy to set up permissions for you if you do not choose to delve into this. Email us at For those who value being capable and informed in this domain, read on! Permission Vocabulary If you are…
Programming N’ Pizza
Programming N’ Pizza is a crowd-learning initiative led by the Dartmouth Library and Research Computing. It is an opportunity for the entire Dartmouth community to share, teach and learn programming skills in a casual, fun environment, where beginners and more advanced users can help each other. Each PNP participant can both help and be helped…
Overview of the Rstor/AFS migration
Research Computing is migrating accounts from Rstor/AFS to DartFS. People who have Discovery accounts as well as Rstor/AFS accounts will also be migrated during this time frame. The major changes that users will see from this migration are: You will log in using your Dartmouth (NetID) username and password. This is the same name/password pair…
Software Carpentry
General Information Research Computing in collaboration with the Dartmouth Libraries offers Software Carpentry workshops that aim to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants…